

Nymphaea 'Aurora' is an aquatic perennial that produces oval green leaves with purple or maroon blotches and changes color from yellow to red as it ages. It blooms from early summer to early fall and is suitable for tubs or small ponds in full sun and loamy soil.

Nymphaeaceae. Suku teratai-terataian atau Telepok atau Nymphaeaceae adalah salah satu suku anggota tumbuhan berbunga. Menurut Sistem klasifikasi APG II suku ini tidak dapat dimasukkan ke dalam satu pun cabang tumbuhan berbunga. Baru pada penelitian lebih lanjut dibentuk bangsa baru, Nymphaeales, yang mencakup Nymphaeaceae dan Cabombaceae. Pada ...

Nymphaea is the type genus of the family Nymphaeaceae, which includes numerous water lilies with fragrant flowers. The word derives from Latin, meaning water lily, and has a taxonomic synonym of nuphar. See more etymology, history, and usage notes of this word.

Nymphaea alba L. is a perennial herbaceous plant with floating or submerged leaves and flowers, and a berry-like fruit. It is native to India and has various synonyms, common names, and natural history features.

Fruit berry-like, fleshy and spongy; submergent maturation, irregularly dehiscent. Seeds with inflated arils, numerous, dispersal hydrochory. Taxonomy. Nymphaea is the most diverse group in the Nymphaeales, with five traditionally defined subgenera based on morphology ( Conrad 1905 ).

Nymphaea. Nymphaea (water lily), is an Ayurvedic herb, a genus of aquatic perennial plants globally distributed, cultivated, and characterized by its showy, solitary flowers having different colors varying between white, yellow, pink, or blue. From: Dietary Interventions in Liver Disease, 2019. Related terms: Macroinvertebrate; Arable Land ...

Nymphaea nouchali, often known by its synonym Nymphaea stellata, or by common names blue lotus, star lotus, red water lily, dwarf aquarium lily, blue water lily, blue star water lily or manel flower, is a water lily of genus Nymphaea. It is native to southern and eastern parts of Asia, and is the national flower of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea, is a water lily in the genus Nymphaea, a botanical variety of Nymphaea nouchali. It is an aquatic plant of freshwater lakes, pools and rivers, naturally found throughout most of the eastern half of Africa, as well as parts of southern Arabia, but has also been spread to other regions as an ornamental plant .

Introduction. Nymphaea, an aquatic perennial herb commonly known as water lily, is the largest and most widely distributed genus in the order Nymphaeales.The genus is represented by about 45-50 species with a worldwide distribution in the temperate and tropical regions (Borsch et al., 2007).Nymphaea is divided into two main groups, Apocarpae and Syncarpiae, which in turn, are divided into ...

The genus Nymphaea makes up the water lilies proper, or water nymphs, with 46 species. The common North American white water lily, or pond lily, is Nymphaea odorata. The European white water lily is N. alba. Both species have reddish leaves when young and large fragrant flowers.… Read More

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